TEFL, EFL, ESL Books and Materials

Halloween Word Games” is a fun way to learn all the vocabulary needed for the festival of Halloween. The vocabulary is divided into several different topics and there are a variety of word games in each topic to suit children, schools and colleges and all levels of EFL (English as a foreign language). The Halloween Games could be used in classes before the Halloween festival or at a children’s Halloween party and the winning pairs/groups can be given a little ‘trick or treat’!

Equipment and resources required:

Computer and CD to copy the audio cd scary sounds for background effects.

Coloured printer (or photocopier). (Black and white will not do the exercises justice!)

White A4 paper and card

Orange A4 paper and card

Halloween party treats for prizes

Halloween decorations for classroom or party venue.

There are 10 different topics and each topic has 5 similar type of word game (crossword, wordsearch etc) and one misc exercise.

Here are some notes about each of the Word Games and how to use them:

Word Count 1 – How many words can they make out of the word Halloween? The words HALL and NEW have been given as starters. Students can do this individually, or in pairs. Prizes could be given for the most words. (Page 8.)
Word Count 2 – As above using the word Frankenstein. (Page 16)
Word Count 3 – As above using the word Nightmare. (Page 24)
Make plurals out of given words. Includes both regular and irregulars nouns. (Page 32)
Odd One Out – 10 sets of words with 4 words in each set. One word does not fit in the set. Can they guess which one? (Students work individually or in pairs.) (Page 40)
Which Witch is Which? – This is a logic puzzle and a bit challenging so would be best suited to older children or higher levels of EFL students (intermediate+). A number of clues are given and an answer to get them started. The use the grid to help work out which witch is which. (The images will also help them!) This is best work individually to start, then put into pairs to compare answers. (Page 48)
Witch’s Brew – This is a writing exercise so can be used for any age or level. They can work individually or in pairs for this. This can also be done for homework if there is not enough class time. (Page 56)
Terrible Tongue Twisters – Tongue twisters can be a lot of fun and a great way to learn or revise vocabulary. They can choose which one to learn off or they can write one of their own. Have a competition to see who can write the funniest/silliest/scariest tongue twister. (This can also be set for homework.)
Find Someone Who… This is a great exercise for conversation. Each student should have a page of their own and write their name at the top of the page. Each student then goes around the class (it’s best if they all stand up for this and mingle) and talks to each other person to find out what they are each afraid of. They can sign the same thing or more than one thing. A follow up exercise would be to do a graph of the totals to compare. (Page 72)
Word Groups – A number of words/phrases are giving and students must group them under the appropriate category. There should be five words in each category. (Page 82)

Halloween Words Games comes with a Halloween Spooky Sounds audio CD, which comes separately as well in case you just want some scary music for you Halloween party.

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